Ramco Litigation Funding (Ramco) has authored once again the Spain Chapter of the 7th Edition of “The Third-Party Funding Law Reviews”, published by “Lexology”, a worldwide reference guide in the area of litigation and arbitration funding. “The Law Reviews” is a collection of expert analysis on 89 areas of law, annually updated by leading practitioners across the globe. The expert panel includes some of the best leading lawyers and law firms around the world.

The “The Third-Party Litigation Funding Law Reviews” provides an overview of and an annual guide to the law and practice of third-party funding in different jurisdictions where it is reasonably well established. With a focus on significant recent cases and developments, it examines the key features of the legal and regulatory regimes governing funding agreements, as well as practical considerations when structuring these agreements.

This publication is a comparative guide and legal information resource for litigants, lawyers and investors, written by international experts, that includes matters of great relevance and market trends in the context of litigation and arbitration funding.

In the 7th edition, Cristina Soler, CEO of Ramco, and Carlos Llorente, Of Counsel, have authored the Spain Chapter and have shared their views on the litigation and arbitration finance industry in Spain, which you can access directly below

We hope you find the 7th Edition of “The Third-Party Litigation Funding Law Reviews” a useful document.

 You can download the Spain Chapter in PDF format by filling in the form below, and we will send you a confirmation e-mail with the link.

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