PRESENTATION OF THE BOOK “Litigation Funding in Spanish and Comparative Law”.

We are pleased to announce the publication of the book “La Financiación de Litigios en Derecho español y comparado” carried out at the initiative of Ramco Litigation Funding in coordination with ICADE, and published by Aranzadi La Ley. It is the first collective work published in Spain on litigation funding to date and is a reference guide on the status and regulation of this figure in Spanish and comparative law. This work is aimed at all legal professionals in general, and includes, in a novel way, the perspective of professionals from different areas of the legal sector (professors, lawyers in law firms, corporate lawyers, arbitrators, financiers, etc.).

The round table moderated by Diego Agulló, Professor of Private International Law at ICADE, will include as speakers our CEO, Cristina Soler, Antonio Muñoz Murillo, Director of Litigation at Iberdrola, Amanda Cohen, Magistrate of the Technical Office of the Supreme Court and Paulino Fajardo, Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills. We will discuss the figure of Litigation Financing from different perspectives, analyzing the situation of the litigation financing market from a legal and financial point of view, its regulation, the content of the financing contract, confidentiality and the duty of disclosure, costs and the insurance contract, as well as the impact of Litigation Financing in areas such as competition law, and restructuring and insolvency, among other topics.

The director of the book is our CEO, Cristina Soler, and we would like to thank ICADE for its great support and collaboration, and the coordinators of the book, specifically Diego Agulló, Professor of International Law at ICADE and his team for their invaluable contribution, as well as Carlos Llorente, Of Counsel of Ramco Litigation Funding and Professor at ICADE, for the excellent coordination work carried out. We are also grateful for the support received from LOIS (Legal Operations Institute Studies) and specifically, from Eugenia Navarro and her team.

Many thanks to José María Alonso, president of CIAM, and to Urquiola de Palacio, former president of the UIA, for writing the excellent foreword to this work, as well as to the legal professionals, in-house lawyers, lawyers in law firms, arbitrators, professors from ICADE and other Universities who have collaborated in this work, all of them leaders in their respective fields of specialization, for their participation in this book: Paulino Fajardo (Herbert Smith), Antonio Muñoz Murillo Quirós (IBERDROLA), Carlos Llorente (RAMCO), Charlotte de Meeus (KU Leuven), , Milan Pedjovic (Bullard, Falla & Ezcurra), Oriol Valentí (Roca & Junyent Abogados), Frederico Gonçalves Pereira and Iñaki Carrera (Vieira de Almeida Portugal), Xabier Basozabal Arrúe (ICADE), Marcel Enrich (Pérez-Llorca Abogados), Diego Agulló (ICADE), Abel Veiga Copo (ICADE), Carlos Ara (Cuatrecasas), Alex Ferreres (Linklaters), Blas A. González (Blas González), Cristina Poncibo (University of Turin), Javier Íscar de Hoyos (Iscar Arbitraje), Cristian Gual and Diego Sobejano (Uría & Menéndez), Antonio Morales (Baker & McKenzie), Iñigo Igartua (Gómez Acebo & Pombo Abogados), Jordi Gras (Pérez Llorca Abogados).

Date: November 13, 2024
Location: Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE), C/ de Alberto Aguilera, 23, 28015 Madrid
Class P. Martín de Nicolás (E-308)




Abel B. Veiga Copo, Dean of ICADE Law School

Urquiola de Palacio, Árbitro y expresidenta de la Union International des Avocats

19.10 – 20.00 I ROUND TABLE AND COLLOQUIUM. Litigation Financing in Spanish and Comparative Law. How does it impact the legal sector?


Diego Agulló, Professor of Private International Law. Comillas Pontifical University – ICADE


Cristina Soler, CEO of Ramco Litigation Funding.

Antonio Muñoz-Murillo, Director of Litigation of Iberdrola

Amanda Cohen, Magistrate of the Technical Office of the Supreme Court of Justice

Paulino Fajardo, Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills


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